• Museum Passes Now Available!

    Stop by to check out a pass to the Portland Children's Museum, Farnsworth Museum, Southworth Planetarium, or Maine Maritime Museum! Thanks to everyone who bought a book or baked good at any recent Friends fundraiser: You made this community service possible!

  • Winter Reading Challenge

    Cold outside? Cozy up with a book and make it snow at the library! Until Feb. 22, decorate a snowflake to hang in the library for every book you read. Read more than 5 books to get a colossal snowflake!

  • FedCo Seed Fundraiser

    From now through March, you can buy FedCo seeds and support the library, at no additional cost. Simply order through this link and the Friends of the Library will get 50% of all purchases (100% of which will go directly to supporting the Hubard). If you'd rather not order online, you can also fill out a form to order; stop by the library to pick it up.

  • Wednesday Story and Craft Time

    Join us every Wednesday at 10:30am with Ms. Becky for story and craft time.

  • Saturday Virtual Story Time

    Join us every Saturday at 10:40am with Ms. Doreen for storytime streaming on our Facebook page.

  • Book Club

    Held every every third Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm, Join Ms. Doreen as she leads a lively discussion.